Keiko Kitamura, Chief Executive Officer
Keeping pace with the lifestyles of our customers,
our company manufactures and sells health foods and cosmetics for people
in their individual pursuit of who they want to be.
We also offer technologies related to the environment. The future that
we dream about is a future where customers are happy.
Happiness spreads, throughout Japan where we are based,
and throughout world, triggering a chain reaction of positivity.
To achieve this, we conduct continuous research and development
so as to deliver unequivocally high-quality products and technologies
to our customers. Our sincere desire to provide only solid,
proven products with value is matched by our unwavering dedication.
Radiant happiness̶this is the RAPAS promise.
RAPAS is a fusion of the word “radiate” that evokes joy and sweeping radiance,
and the word “pass” that connotes connecting one person to another.
It is also similar to the pronunciation of “la paz” which means “peace.”
We named our company RAPAS in the hope of making people happy with products and technology
originating from our base in Shiga prefecture, Japan,
and having this happiness passed on from one person to the next.