In order to provide you with high-quality products, all RAPAS products are produced in factories in Japan that are GMP and ISO-certified. Clearing GMP and ISO standards is also proof of high quality. Our customers can use our products with confidence.
Products that are produced in GMP-certified factories must meet high safety and sanitation standards when it comes to raw materials, manufacturing processes and inspection tasks.
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) are standards applied to pharmaceutical products. We aim for uniform quality in each and every product by striving to prevent human error during the production process, and preventing contamination and quality degradation. We set strict quality standards for the raw materials handled by GMP-certified factories, for manufacturing equipment, and for worker protocols and management.
ISO are international standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). They aim for “a system in place so that corporations can always provide products and services with the quality sought by customers and companies,” and “a system wherein the impact of corporate activities on the environment is minimized.”
ISO aims for even greater customer satisfaction through the improving of systems by defining how such systems should be organized, how responsibilities should be shared, how work should be done using what methods, and what the organization's environmental policy should be.